FALLING | Trevor Daniel | Behind The Lyrics

FALLING | Trevor Daniel | Behind The Lyrics FALLING | Trevor Daniel | Behind The Lyrics Trevor Daniel didn't think he'd ever be falling in love again. Well, until he met you. The Artist Trevor Daniel After having your heart ripped out of your chest, it's hard to trust anyone. I'd swear up and down that I wasn't going to fall for anyone again, but now I'm thinking maybe there's someone who could change my mind under the right circumtances. BEHIND THE LYRIC THE BOX BY RODDY RICCH "Falling" comes off Daniel's 2018 'Homestick' EP, the singer's first project under the internet Money imprint. Daniel wrote the track with internet Money founder/producer Taz Taylor and producers Charlie Handsome and KC Supreme. BEHIND THE LYRICS BLINDING LIGHTS BY THE WEEKND Daniel, who's originally from Houston, says he clicked with Taz immediately. Lyrics of FALLING Lyrics of Falling Trevor Daniel Lyrics...